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Delete Duplicate Rows in SQL Server 2005

A new addition to the DELETE command in SQL Server 2005 is the TOP statement. The DELETE TOP does the same thing as a SELECT TOP WHERE only the TOP number of rows are deleted. This can be very helpful when there are duplicate rows of data present.
FROM Sales.Customer
WHERE CustomerID = 1 

This would delete one of the duplicate rows for Customer number 1 Suppose somehow the whole customer table got duplicated. I duplicated the Sales.Customer table into a tmpCustomer table.

SELECT Top 1 CustomerID, COUNT(CustomerID) AS Cnt
FROM tmpCustomer 
HAVING COUNT(CustomerID) > 1

WHILE @@RowCount > 0
    DELETE Top (1)
    FROM tmpCustomer
    WHERE CustomerID = (SELECT Top (1) CustomerID
                        FROM tmpCustomer 
                        GROUP BY CustomerID
                        HAVING COUNT(CustomerID) > 1)


While this worked just fine, it ran about 4 minutes for 38K rows. Let's try the dreaded CURSOR. Notice I can stick a variable in where the TOP () statement is. I subtracted -1 because we don't want to delete every row.

DECLARE @cnt int, @custID as int

FOR SELECT CustomerID, COUNT(CustomerID) AS Cnt
    FROM tmpCustomer 
    GROUP BY CustomerID
    HAVING COUNT(CustomerID) > 1

OPEN dupCursor 

INTO @custID, @cnt

    DELETE Top (@cnt-1)
    FROM tmpCustomer
    WHERE CustomerID = @custID
    FETCH NEXT FROM dupCursor 
    INTO @custID, @cnt

CLOSE dupCursor

This ran much better at 18 seconds. Enjoy.


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